Present Members of the Galaxy Evolution Group
GALEV Meeting in Down Under in March 2012.
GALEV Meeting during the 215th AAS meeting in cold Washington, DC in January 2010.

2 of the GALEV developers (PA and RK) working hard during the 2009 General
Assembly of the IAU in Rio de Janeiro, here close to Ipanema beach.
- Uta
Fritze, Prof Dr
- formerly Reader in Astronomy
Univ. of Hertfordshire, UK
- Ralf
Kotulla, Ph.D.
- Postdoc at University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
GALEV Developer, Webmaster
Current affiliation
Center for Gravitation and Cosmology
Department of Physics
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
1900 E Kenwood Blvd. Milwaukee WI, 53211
United States of America
- Peter Anders, Dr
- Postdoc at KIAA Beijing
GALEV Developer
Current affiliation
National Astronomical Observatories
Chinese Academy of Sciences
20A Datun Road
Chaoyang District
Beijing 100012
P.R. China
- Peter Weilbacher,
- Postdoc at AIP Postdam, DE
GALEV Developer
- Thorsten
Tepper García, Dr
- Postdoc at Univ. Potsdam, DE
Former members of the GALEV group (University Observatory Göttingen)
Completed Postdoc Projects
- Ulrich Lindner, 1998
- Chemical Evolution of Damped Lyman-Alpha Absorbers
- Optically identified MgII- and CIV- Absorbers
Completed PhD Theses
- Ralf Kotulla, 2010
Galaxy Evolution and the Redshift Desert
- Thomas Lilly, 2007
Old Globular Cluster
Systems (local pdf
or gzip'ed)
- Thorsten Tepper García, 2007
The Stochastic
Intergalactic Attenuation and its Impact on High-Redshift Galaxies (local copy)
- Peter Anders, 2006
Formation and evolution of star clusters in interacting galaxies (local copy)
- Jens Bicker, 2006
Interpretation of Lyman Break Galaxies
- Peter Weilbacher, 2002
Tidal Dwarf Galaxies (local copy)
- Claudia Möller, 2001
Chemically Consistent Galaxy Evolution With
Redshift Including Dust Effects
- Johannes Loxen, 1996
The Evolution of Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies
- Harald Krüger, 1992
Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies
- Uta Fritze, 1989
Spectrophotometric, Chemical and Cosmological Evolution of Galaxies
Completed Diploma/Master Theses
- Marie Aylin Tyra, 2007
Galaxy Transformation in Clusters
- Markus Hartmann, 2007
Studying the Star Cluster Population of I Zwicky 18 using broadband and H-alpha
- Thorsten Tepper Garcia, 2004
Influence of Intergalactic Neutral Hydrogen on Spectra of High-Redshift
- Thomas Lilly, 2003
SFHs in Galaxies: Integrated Light vs. Resolved Stellar Population
Analysis (gzip'ed ps)
- Jochen Schulz, 2001
Evolution of Galaxies with different Bulge- and Disk- Fraction Compared with
- Jens Bicker, 2001
Galaxy Transformation in Galaxy Clusters: Photometric Modells
- Peter Weilbacher, 1999
Multicolour Photometry and Modelling of
Interacting and Tidal Dwarf Galaxies
- Oliver Kurth, 1996
Photometric and Spectral Evolution of Interacting Galaxies
- Claudia Möller, 1995
The Influence of Metallicity on the Spectrophotometric Evolution of Galaxies of
various Hubble types
- Christian Einsel, 1992
Chemically Consistent Photometric Evolution and Mg2
- Harald Krüger, 1989
Photometric and Chemical Evolution of
Starbursts in Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies
Completed Staatsexamensarbeit
(First State Examination of the Teacher Training)
- Nico Cohrs, 2003
SFHs in Galaxies: Possibilities and Limitations of the CMD Approach