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Galaxy Evolutionary Synthesis Models
help you understand your data on star clusters and galaxies from the early universe until today in terms of their relevant physical and chemical properties and their evolutionary state.

Galaxy Evolution Group
c/o Ralf Kotulla
Center for Gravitation and Cosmology
Department of Physics
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
1900 E Kenwood Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53211
United States of America

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GALEV in a nutshell

GALEV evolutionary synthesis models describe the evolution of stellar populations in general, of star clusters as well as of galaxies, both in terms of resolved stellar populations (time evolution of colour--magnitude diagrams) and of integrated light properties over cosmological timescales of >13 billions years from the Big Bang until today.

The prime feature that makes GALEV models stand out among other evolutionary synthesis models is the simultaneous treatment of the chemical evolution of the gas and the spectral evolution of the stellar content. This allows for what we call a chemically consistent treatment: use input physics (stellar evolutionary tracks, stellar yields and model atmospheres) for a large range of metallicities and consistently account for the increasing initial abundances of successive stellar generations
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